Farang Diarrhea
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Farang Diarrhea
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Farang Diarrhea
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» vous voulez vous marrer
Katoa a bord EmptySam 16 Jan - 19:55 par tonyshark

» Quotas
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Katoa a bord

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Katoa a bord Empty Katoa a bord

Message par Diarrhea Ven 16 Mar - 14:47

"Oh, I did not hear before about it," said Bay, a Thai passenger.
"They look really beautiful, and they are really nice... it's pretty cool."

Katoa a bord Transhotesse2

Les katoa sont et seront sur les vols de plus en plus nombreux Katoa a bord 2225200519

Buddhist Thailand is spared from the "weight of the Judeo-Christian sexual repression", but had in the past been influenced by some Western ideas that presented transsexuals as "mentally disordered", said Sam Winter, a psychologist and gender specialist at the University of Hong Kong.

Katoa a bord Transhotesse


Il y avait aussi eu la reforme pour les kat et leur service militaire, je trouve plus l'article..

Katoa a bord Tranmilitaire

vivement un Kat pour remplacer Yingluck Katoa a bord 4067327346


Messages : 538
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2012


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Katoa a bord Empty Re: Katoa a bord

Message par bidochon Ven 16 Mar - 15:07

Qui te dit que c'est pas son frere? :suspect: ...j'ai dis une connerie la?

Messages : 40
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2012
Localisation : Brie Comte Robert

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